meld meaning
meld meaning….Learnmore.,8天前—Thedynamicsofdrugactiononthewithin-hostpopulationgrowthofinfectiousagents:meldingpharmacokineticswithpathogenpopulation ...,Verb·(tr...

MELD in Traditional Chinese

8天前—Thedynamicsofdrugactiononthewithin-hostpopulationgrowthofinfectiousagents:meldingpharmacokineticswithpathogenpopulation ...

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MELD | English meaning

MELD definition: 1. to (cause something to) combine with something else: 2. to (cause something to) combine with…. Learn more.

MELD in Traditional Chinese

8 天前 — The dynamics of drug action on the within-host population growth of infectious agents : melding pharmacokinetics with pathogen population ...


Verb · (transitive) To combine (multiple things) together; to blend, to fuse. [from early 20th c.] synonyms △quotations ▽. Synonyms: conflate, merge. One can ...


n. 融合. 牛津中文字典. meld.

Meld Definition & Meaning

MELD meaning: to blend or mix together.

MELD definition and meaning

3 天前 — If several things meld into another thing, or if they are melded into another thing, they combine and become the other thing. [formal].

Meld Definition & Meaning

The meaning of MELD is to declare or announce (a card or combination of cards) for a score in a card game especially by placing face up on the table.

meld verb

to combine with something else; to make something combine with something else synonym blend The chocolate and coffee flavors meld beautifully in this ...


To meld is to completely combine or blend two or more things. If you meld breakfast and lunch, you get brunch. If you meld jeans and leggings, you get jeggings.

meldmeaning….Learnmore.,8天前—Thedynamicsofdrugactiononthewithin-hostpopulationgrowthofinfectiousagents:meldingpharmacokineticswithpathogenpopulation ...,Verb·(transitive)Tocombine(multiplethings)together;toblend,tofuse.[fromearly20thc.]synonyms△quotations▽.Synonyms:conflate,merge.Onecan ...,n.融合.牛津中文字典...